Australia Launches Lawsuit Against Russia Over The Downing Of Flight MH17

In joint action with the Netherlands

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Australia and the Netherlands are taking legal action against Russia over the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

The lawsuit accuses the Russian Federation of being responsible for the downing of the flight under international law.

Flight MH17 was downed in 2014, taking the lives of 298 people including 38 Australians.

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The news of the lawsuit was announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Foreign Affars Minister Marise Payne and Attorney General Michaelia Cash last night.

"Today's joint action by Australia and the Netherlands is a major step forward in both countries' fight for truth, justice and accountability for this horrific act of violence," they said in a statement.

The lawsuit will go through the International Civil Aviation Organisation and will rely on evidence proving that the plane was shot down by the Russian Buk-TELAR surface-to-air missile system and that only someone trained by the Russian crew of Buk-TELAR could have fired the missile.

A long list of additional evidence will also be introduced by Australia and the Netherlands throughout the lawsuit.

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott posted a statement on Twitter laying blame on Russia saying, “the denials from Vladimir Putin down are simply bare-faced lies".

“It’s been obvious since July 2014 that MH17 was downed by a Russian missile battery and that 298 innocents (including 38 Australians) were dead at Russia’s hands,” he said.


The federal government said that Russia’s “refusal to take responsibility for its role in the downing of Flight MH17 is unacceptable”.

“The Australian Government has always said that it will not exclude any legal options in our pursuit of justice.

"While we cannot take away the grief of those whose loved ones died as a result of Russia's actions, the Australian Government will pursue every available avenue to ensure Russia is held to account so that this horrific act never happens again."

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Georgie Marr

15 March 2022

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Georgie Marr

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