Australian Onboard Crashed Yeti Airlines Flight

As rescue teams search for survivors

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At least 68 people have been killed when a plane crashed in Pokhara in central Nepal on Sunday.

According to authorities, at least 68 of the 72 people onboard the flight have died after the Yeti Airlines plane plummeted into the hillside during a flight from Kathmandu.

Emergency services and rescue teams worked until late Sunday in the search for survivors, reconvening the search until Monday.

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The rescue teams are believed to be struggling to reach a gorge near the main crash site where they believe more bodies are likely to be recovered.

One Australian is confirmed to have been onboard the flight along with two South Koreans, four Russians and five Indian nationals.

The wellbeing of the Australian passenger is still unknown.

The plane crash is Nepal’s worst aviation disaster in 30 years.

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Georgie Marr

16 January 2023

Article by:

Georgie Marr

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