Hospital Evacuated After Collapsed Piling Rig Destroys Psych Ward

No injuries were sustained

Article heading image for Hospital Evacuated After Collapsed Piling Rig Destroys Psych Ward


A hospital in Melbourne has been evacuated after a piling rig collapsed into the roof on Wednesday morning.

A piling rig has fallen onto the roof of a south-east Melbourne hospital causing the entire building to be evacuated including patients and staff.

The building equipment, which is normally used for drilling, collapsed onto the roof of the hospital’s psychiatric centre at around 10AM this morning.

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According to the Department of Health, all staff, patients and workers managed to escape the building uninjured.

Emergency services were called to the scene shortly after to assist with the evacuation.

As a result of the damage, around 30 patients will be relocated.

An investigation into the incident has been established by WorkSafe Victoria and police.

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Georgie Marr

23 November 2022

Article by:

Georgie Marr

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