Junk Food Could Soon Be Banned From All Schools & Sports Venues

Nutritionists Behind Major Push

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No more sherbet pops for the kids after their netball game, or scoffing down a pizza at the football.

Nutrition experts have called for all junk food to be banned from schools and sports venues under a national blueprint to tackle obesity.

100 health experts working with the state and federal government have conducted a landmark study and have drawn up a 47-point plan to address the issue.

A major part of the plan would be to make sure all governments implement the same nutrition policies.

The study recommends the development of an overall national strategy and implementation plan for improving the diets of Aussies.That would also include a tax on sugary drinks and reduced marking of these products to kids.

"There is no silver bullet to helping people eat more healthily," Dr Gary Sacks, the leader of the study and a Senior Research Fellow at the Global Obesity Centre at Deakin University, said in a statement on Monday.

"It's a good start to have policies for restricting junk foods in school canteens, if kids are then inundated with unhealthy foods at sports venues, and they see relentless junk food ads on prime-time TV, it doesn't make it easy for them to eat well."

Obesity currently costs Australia $56 Billion every year, with nearly 2 in 3 Aussie adults and 1 in 4 children now considered overweight or obese

Written by: AAP/ @amydrewsnews

19 February 2017

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