Qantas Plane Lands Safely At Sydney Airport After Issuing Mayday Call

Engine failure causes distress

Article heading image for Qantas Plane Lands Safely At Sydney Airport After Issuing Mayday Call

A Qantas air-carrier travelling from Auckland has arrived safely at Sydney Airport, after a mayday call was issued mid-flight.

Reports of an engine failure approximately one hour from its destination emerged for the flight QF144.

The plane was met on the tarmarc by emergency services, carrying 148 people on board.

It was due to land just after 3pm, yet the delay forced the jet to reach the airport at 3.25pm.

Qantas issued a statement regarding the incident, clearing up the reason behind the emergency call.

"Qantas Flight 144, a 737 flying from Auckland to Sydney, experienced an issue with one of its engines about an hour from its destination," the statement read.

"While a mayday was initially issued, this was downgraded to a PAN. The aircraft landed safely at around 3.30pm and is now being inspected by our engineers. The 145 passengers onboard disembarked the aircraft normally.


"While inflight engine shutdowns are rare, and would naturally be concerning for passengers, our pilots are trained to manage them safely and aircraft are designed to fly for an extended period on one engine."

Airservices Australia said a mayday call is an indication used if "an aircraft is in grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance".

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18 January 2023

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