So Turns Out Queen Elizabeth Is A Binge Drinker!


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It's been revealed that Queen Elizabeth II throws back four alcoholic drinks a day which technically makes her a binge drinker.

According to, British paper, The Independent the Queen, who is killing it at 91, drinks the same four drinks everyday.

A gin and Dubonnet with lemon and ice before lunch, a wine with lunch, and a dry martini and glass of champagne at night.

They've also revealed what on the menu everyday for Her Majesty

The first thing she eats when she wakes up is tea and biscuits, and washes that down with some fruit and cereal. The Queen prefers Special K over any other cereal.

Sometimes she’ll swap that out for scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.

She also has a no-starch rule at lunch and will have a low-carb meal. But she always indulges in some chocolate afterwards.

For dinner time, Her Majesty has a strict ban on garlic. She’s even banned it throughout the entire palace.

What a life!



2 August 2017

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