You Won't Believe Which Song James Reyne Originally Hated!

It was a hit!

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This morning on the show, Tanya & Steve were joined by James Reyne to chat about how he's been going during COVID-19, playing great music, and, a song he originally hated!

James was part of Music From The Homefront, where the Australian and New Zealand community joined together to pay their respects for ANZAC Day. The whole album is out today and profits are going to Support Act

The music industry has definitely taken a hit, from musicians to roadies - they can't work due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Tanya & Steve also asked James about his upcoming album and his previous music. He didn't hold back when they wanted to know what song he wasn't keen on initially! And it's a HIT!!! 

Missed the chat? Here's the song James Reyne originally hated:

Amber Lowther

22 June 2020

Article by:

Amber Lowther

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